THE ULTIMATE SPORT SHOW - MI (March 7-10, 2024)
Michigan’s finest tradition for the avid fisherman, hunter or outdoor loving family! Exhibitors will be at the show with the latest in outdoor gear, travel information and fishing boats. The features are famous: Antique Lures, Trout Pond, Hawg Trough, Woodcarvers, and the Rock Wall. Nearly 100 fishing and hunting seminars will be held on 5 stages, including “Lake Ultimate,” the 110,000 gallon indoor lake.
RoxStar Fishing will be premiering there one of a kind Fly Bar, featuring over 200 Hand tied patterns and sets.
Sign up now and get $10 RoxStar Bucks to Spend at the booth.
Show Dates & Hours:
Thursday, March 9: | 1pm – 8pm |
Friday, March 10: | 12pm – 8pm |
Saturday, March 11: | 10am – 8pm |
Sunday, March 12: | 10am – 5pm |
DeVos Place
303 Monroe Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503